Friday, December 12, 2008
Oh I already made a new blog!Hehe.I already have a new url,but I decided I shall stick to this till I'm willing to code again:D
I have piccas from my holiday,but I'm kinda lazy to transfer B)
Well,it turned out fun.With me knowing more about my cousins in Malaysia,they are super cute and nice:D Most of them are THREE.Seriously.
Sunway Lagoon wasn't as nice as I expected.But man,the hotel bed was super comfy,and I had the WHOLE QUEEN SIZED BED TO MYSELF!:D It was HEAVEN.
However,only bought ONE WALLET.Gah.So much things can buy,only buy ONE WALLET.IDC.I will go again to shop shop and shop more haha.
Kay,tags replied,will work on relinking and linking people.For now,a quiz to ENTERTAIN.Kaixiang(a.k.a Anythinkk), in an attempt to make me update,forced upon me a quiz I should do simply to entertain him.(HAHA)
Here we go;
Starting Time: 2.35PM
Shoe Size:Eight,I think.
Height: Probably taller than 155cm.
Where do you live: Singapore!
Favorite Drinks: Plenty.I'm a liquid-drink-alot-of-water-kinky person:D Coke,pepsi,sprite,tea,WATER blah blah blah:D
Have You Ever---
Been on a plane: YES!Just went.
Fallen asleep in school: Umm,no.But sometimes I get drowsy when I have no one to perk me up in the morning.
Broken someone's heart: I
think so.
Fell off a chair: Not that I remember.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Umm,yeah.TRINA AND OUR GEOG PROJECT.
Saved e-mails: Yes.Plenty
What is your room like: Cramped.I sleep with THREE other people.
What is the last thing you ate:Lunch-prawn noodles with beehoon:D
Have you had chicken pox: Yes.And lucky me!No scars(:
Sorethroat: Not now
Broken Nose: Not now
Do you believe in love at first sight: YES!
Like picnics: Depends where haha.
Who was the last person---
You danced with: Umm,joey,if you count bouncing like kindergarden kids!(:
Last person who made you smile: ME!My last sentence did it!:D
You last yelled at: Yelled angrily?Idk:O
Today did you---
Talk to someone you like: Like in which way?Friends/Family;Yes.
Kiss someone: No
Fall sick: No
Talk to an ex: Not exactly an ex,through computer.
Miss someone: Yes.
Eat: Yes
Best feeling in the world: No.Not if I'm stuck at home doing quizzes.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: In which sense?I don't HUG it,I put it next to my pillow but I don't even look at it.
What's under your bed: I don't have a bed,I'm on a mattress,so I guess the floor.And whatever dust or whatever between my mattress and the floor.
Who do you really hate: Umm,not hate.Majorly dislike.
What time is it now: 2.44PM WOW This quiz takes uber long.
Is there a person who is in your mind now: Yes
Do you have any siblings: Yes
Do you want any children: Yes
Do you smile often: See if anyone's around.
Do you like your handwriting: Sometimes;My handwriting can change depending on mood,which finger I rest my pen on(3rd or 4th) and etc.
Are your toenails painted: No.y mum highly objects to makeup and whatever on kids(her definition of kids is different)
Who's bed would you rather sleep in other than yours: The one in the hotel at Sunway.MY GOSH IT WAS COMFY.
What colour shirt are you wearing now: Brown
What were you doing at 7pm yesterday: TV
You cant wait till:Uhh,what?
Are you a friendly person: Kind of.
Do you have any pets: Nope:(
Where is the person you have feeling for right now: No one now,I think
Did the last person you held hands with means anything to you: Means friends:D
Do you sleep with the TV on: No.I sleep late,and tv simply doesn't have any shows late at night.
Have you ever crawled through the window: No,I have window grilles
Are you too forgiving: Probably not.
Are you closer to your mother or your father: Mother
Who was the last person you cried in front of: Can't remember:O
How many people can you say you really loved: Plenty
Do you eat healthy: No.Unhealthy food is nice.Haha.Look at ICECREAM.CANDY.AND BLAH.
Do you still have your pictures of you and your ex: Umm,no boyfs allowed.
Have you ever cried of something someone said to you: Yes
If you are having a bad day,who are you most
lightly likely to go to:No one.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Crazy moments loud.Emo moments quiet.
Are you confident: Sort of.Depending which situation.
5 things i was doing 10 years ago: Growing up,TV,running around.Probably dancing too,according to my mum.
5 things i have on your to-do-list today: Watch Campus Shrewd,Little Nyonya.Sleep.Do homework(unlikely) Go to Beini's party.Eat ice-cream(XO)
5 things i would do if i am a billionaire:Save,give mum,buy new house making sure I have bedrooms.PSP.New IT Gadgets.
5 of my bad habits:Sitting position is wrong.Sleep can sleep 3hrs for nap.Lazy procrastinator.Bad temper.Cannot break away from computer once I start.
5 places i lived in: My house,hotels,my grand-aunt's place,KHS,CCH.
5 jobs i have had: Student,student,student,student,student.
Tag 8 people to do this quiz:
Go ahead if you want to do.I won't force like Anythinkk :P
Okay,it's 3PM and I need to start preparing for Beini's party.
Monday, December 1, 2008

i KNOW my blog is dead,so i'm supposedly suppose to revive it.So here i am.
I havent been online for a while,so i've been blog hopping and blah.
the most impt part is,i will link/relink everyone once i'm done with this post.then,i will most likely read midnight sun on the internet(yes celest,i have started reading her books,im on breaking dawn now:D)once i'm done with midnight sun,i will decide whether to be evil and make you guys relink or not.then i will work on a blogskin for my own blog then making one blogskin for my STOPTHELOVE acc and one for my JUICED. acc(with W!) then i will work on my site.BUT!
gah.not a single one done.i guess maybe i'll start today.or depends.if i survive,then the above missions will be accomplished.if not,well,say goodbye to me.i'll die of lack of sleep the FIRST day of sec two.
but i cant wait for SUNDAY!
it's been AGES since i took an it's only to malaysia, i have to wake up at 3 in the morning despite never waking up before 6am to reach the airport at 5am,wtv.
IM STILL TAKING A PLANE WAHAHA!and i'll have a bigbigbig dinner,for my aunt's wedding.then i will go sunway!YAY YAY YAY!i have NEVER been to sunway lagoon,but i heard it's nice,so i cant wait.i
had plannned on finishing my homework early and leaving guilt-free.but i guess it might be impossible.maybe i'll read outsiders while i'm at the airport and i'll do my lit on the plane cos i'll be buying books from blossom on friday.see,maybe my holiday wont be guilt-free/duty-bound afterall.HMMPH.
i guess that's it.but i'll see if i have photos.
Turns out i do have photos.

(shawn&yongming-told you we'd sell you)


from left-laozharbor,lingshan,me on ferris wheel at escape theme park on cls outing!:D

yes,us again!i wonder why we take photos i always extreme right*thoughtful*

coincidences,ice princess!:D

arent you happy ice princess?i took this for you when i went back!you're on the board for best sports girl!:D

shawn and yongming,i make up for that selling you part(but im still selling,so keep bidding ppl!) by giving you this-KALINE IN MAKEUP!:D


charmaine's cousin.super cute right!i taught her that pose lol!X)

i baked this cake(my first one!) with my sis's friends.unfortunately,it was too bitter[i told you guys we needed more sugar,it was NATURAL COCOA]

and finally,this picture was taken the same day i made the cake.this sauce looks so funny because there's EGG in it!and limying(who say she want add egg) said must cook egg first,not pour the raw egg inside the sauce liddat!!!HAHAHA.
ok,that ends my post,im off to read MIDNIGHT SUN!:D
much loves,