

you might love me, but i'm gone.

kai xiang
kai xiong
mr yeo
teresa toh
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
May 2009
July 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010


Friday, April 23, 2010
disillusioned; losing faith; and yes, your opinion MATTERS. thanks for all that hurt and tears you brought me.

i think i utterly screwed up my life. im so utterly disillusioned.

i thought all A did was an attitude change. turns out it's a serious hundred eighty degree turn. i cant believe you did that, asshole. delete from f____ds??? we were like thisclose and suddenly we're t h i s f a r a p a r t.

then im trying to become closer to B and what you do? D A O me. excellent. dont say that i ignore you. you MIA dont want to talk/ reply me still say. fine, you dont even talk to me now.

then there are people who are trying to be close to me but i keep pushing them away.

im not angry so much. more like broken. i cant believe that i believed all that crap. yeah, i should ignore all that sh!t but no way can i do that. we were once friends in the first place. your opinions matter(ed?) :X please let it all work out.

thanks so much, life. you screwed me.


Saturday, April 17, 2010
small italised thoughts and big revamp (soon!)

hey people !
in case you thought i'm never ever revamping this blog!
i found a really awesome blogskin that totally motivated me to change everything and i've gotten the new name(hope i'll still like it LOL!)
but then the linking(and re-linking) took too long now must off le, kay! so, brb with new skin + new URL (L)

sometimes people drift away, sometimes i back out of a game. i never mean to do it and i never mean to make people feel bad. i feel bad for pushing these people away, and out, of my life. i'm trying to win some back.

Friday, April 16, 2010
!don't care what mama says, or if we're ready just yet.

Just a quickie quiz to keep this blog alive(before revamping it!not today, i think:/)

lose a lover, or love a loser?
Love a loser, cause' if you truly love that person, that 'loser' ain't a loser anymore! Cause' if you loved that person enough, you'd see past all the flaws and whatnot, and he isn't going to be a loser to you. You're both winners to get to love each other:)

never see again, or never speak again?
Never speak again. You've got so many ways to communicate now, what with languages and the awesomeness of technology (MSN, email, SMS) If you can't see, you lose out on a lot more stuff. What happens to all the little pretty flowers by the pavement? Someone can tell you there's something there, but you can't ever know what it actually is! You can communicate other ways anyway!

run 2 miles straight, or walk 8 miles?
Walk eight miles, cause' you get to see everything slowly, rather than spamming those two miles and seeing nothing but a blur. Plus, you sweat after two miles of running! Waste energy ah!

go to the beach, or have a milkshake?
Have a milkshake AT the beach! Hehe, get the best of both worlds. How awesome! You can't do anything while drinking the milkshake but you can do a lot at the beach (whoots!) And what's better than a cold milkshake at the hot(assuming it's a good day) and sandy beach?;)

laugh when no one else is, or not laugh while everybody else is?
Laugh when no one else is! Laughing is the best medicine, I like to chuckle to myself. You can ask me why but sometimes I have weird thoughts I can't explain right:) And I'd never choose to NOT laugh when I can!:D

drink 10 cans of soda at once, or never drink soda again?
Ten cans NOW! Gosh, no more soda, ever?? I could never ever survive manxzxz!

have your pants ripped, or get thrown in a trash can?
Depends if I've got a skirt to cover up the ripped pants. If I do, then whatever, I don't like stinky! But if I don't, I'd rather stink than flash.

work at McDonald's, or join the army?
McDonalds's. I have the feeling I won't survive army, and my ears will be spoilt to the max and I'll come back deaf. Plus, McDonald's has air conditioner;)

kiss someone you don't like, or kiss someone who doesn't like you?
Someone who doesn't like me. Cause' the kiss could be great. And it's not gonna be super enjoyable if you can't even bring yourself to like the person.

be an only child, or have 5 brothers?
Only child, get all the good stuff, and not fight with siblings. Though I might get bored._.

be able to rewind time , or see the future?
See the future and make the future better. Cause' why go back when you can go forward?:)

be hated for who you are or, be loved for something you're not?
winnie's answer:(be loved for something i'm not. what people dont know cant hurt them lol!)
100% agree. I'd rather be loved than hated, and if they hate the very core of who I am, that sucks a lot. If I'm loved for something I'm not, I can always change to be better.

die the day after the best day of your life, or live to be 90 with everyday being 'okay'?
Die the day after the best day. When every thing's okay, not a single one of your day will ever be half as decent or awesome!

be loved by one person, or have 10 people who like you?
10 people who like me. You can choose(like Winnie's answer!) AND love can be nurtured!

have one absolutely amazing kiss, or have 40 okay kisses?
40 okay kisses, definitely. Those forty kisses are gonna be amazing if you love that person you're kissing. Plus, you're not left hanging after that ONE amazing kiss!

love and lose or, never love at all?
Winnie's answer: (love and lose because its sad to never love at all! even though the losing part'll be sad but at one point of time you were happy to be in love with someone and that counts more than never loving! :) )
Yes, I agree on this! Never ever love? That's like telling yourself you never had a happy day. Losing hurts, but recounting those memories will make you think: Hey, I've once had it goooooooood.

From T.Winnie's blog!

Just realised I've got lots of linking and relinking to do:O

Omg, missed Winnie to the max when she was gone for NSC! God, ugh, Monday's gonna suck without her:( At least Shiyu pei me!:D

Val's back! <3.> Nothing else I can say, eh-eh-!

Maybe I should forget this fairytale,16 April 2010.

P.S April Fool's eve was one of the best days ever, totally without the doubt like today.
